Channel: Political Vel Craft » Senate
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Why The NWO Is Devaluing The Dollar: Theft!

The United States government has six interrelated motivations for destroying the value of the dollar: Creating money out of thin air on a massive basis is all that stands between the current state of hidden depression, and overt depression with unemployment levels potentially rivaling those seen in the Great Depression of the 1930s. It is…

CIA Snowden’s False Flag Backfires: Causes “Under The Bus Turf War” Between Feinstein Committee & Corporate CIA!

March 11, 2014  Feinstein’s Intelligence Committee & Corporate CIA Turf War Biggest In 40 Years! Feinstein & CIA collusion in illegal activity coming to light. Senator Saxby Chambliss Saxby Chambliss R GA Received Highest Bribe Of $557,694 To Vote Yea S.150 ‘Food Austerity Act’ By IAN ALLEN | intelNews.org The system of checks and balances that defines the […]

NWO Senate Attempts To Put World In Anachronistic Closet: Obama Escalates Ukrainian “Orchestrated Crisis”.

Montana Democrat Senator John Walsh Found Guilty: Stripped Of Master’s Degree For Plagiarism By U.S. Army War College!

TREASONIST JOE BIDEN/EPA GIVES GRANTS TO CHINA TO PRODUCE COAL: U.S. MIDDLE CLASS ON DEATH WATCH! The U.S. Army War College has revoked the master’s degree of U.S. Senator John Walsh of Montana, the result of a plagiarism scandal that prompted him in August to abandon his election bid, both Walsh and the college said […]

Cruz Vs Constitution: Obama Part Deux!

Sen. Ted Cruz was a legal citizen of Canada when he ran for and became a U.S. Senator, without ever having disclosed his Canadian citizenship to Texas voters, which under both Texas and U.S. Election law, is an act of fraud. Ted Cruz had committed election fraud by failing to disclose to Texas voters that […]

Senator Sessions Reads Obama’s TPP Bill & Exposes Its Disastrous Contents: The Paper Hanging Destruction Of Middle Class America!

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is one of the few members of Congress who has taken the time to jump through the hoops and read the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). But, he … Continue reading
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